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IR Releases

5 APRIL 2004

The management of the Sarantis Group proceeded in a positive forecast on the results of the next two years

PRESS RELEASE The management of the Sarantis Group proceeded in a positive forecast on the results of the next two years. Specifically, the net sales of the Group are forecasted to reach the amount of 246 million euros in 2004, increased by 6% with respect to 2003, while in 2005 they will, increase by 8% with respect to 2004, reaching the amount of 265 million euros.

18 FEBRUARY 2004


PRESS RELEASE The results of the Sarantis Group for 2003 surpassed all forecasts, registering increases in all figures. More specifically, the consolidated sales of Sarantis reached the amount of 232.

7 JANUARY 2004

At the end of 2003, the Sarantis Group proceeded in a series of strategic moves in Greece and Poland

PRESS RELEASE At the end of 2003, the Sarantis Group proceeded in a series of strategic moves in Greece and Poland. More specifically, on 23.12.03, Gr. Sarantis ABEE took over 29.4% of the stocks of the Polish Company PACK PLAST INTERNATIONAL S.

24 NOVEMBER 2003


PRESS RELEASE 2% rise in turnover and 26% in pre-tax earnings present the consolidated results of the Sarantis Group for the time period Jan.-Sept. of 2003 compared to the respective time period of 2002.

2 OCTOBER 2003

Pioneer Co-operation Agreement for Gr. Sarantis ABEE

PRESS RELEASE The company Lobelin-Pharmacare SA, an affiliate of Gr. Sarantis ABEE Group, with business activities regarding OTC-parapharmaceutical products in the area of Drugstores, has signed a unique for European standards exclusive co-operation agreement for the supply and distribution in the Greek market of pioneer diagnostic products of the rapidly growing Greek company Bionuclear SA, commencing immediately with the pioneer product Narcocheck.

8 AUGUST 2003

2003 Semi-Annual Results of SARANTIS GROUP

PRESS RELEASE The first semester of 2003 has come to an end with increase in all primary aggregates for Sarantis Group. Specifically, the first semester consolidated sales reached 108.2 million Euro in 2003 compared to 106.

27 MAY 2003

Sarantis Group shall be distributing a 0.06 € dividend

PRESS RELEASE Sarantis Group shall be distributing a 0.06 € dividend. Specifically, upon proposal by the Group’s Board of Directors in the General Meeting of the Company’s shareholders, Sarantis  Group shall distribute a 0.

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